Each year SVAM accepts nominations from manufacturing companies across the region for its Outstanding Woman in Manufacturing Award. Each nomination is reviewed and scored by a panel of judges based on the categories of Company and Peer Impact. Through the Outstanding Women in Manufacturing program, many amazing women have been recognized for their contributions to the world of manufacturing in Southwest Virginia.
The purpose of this program is to change the image of manufacturing and highlight the significant role that women play at all levels in manufacturing. It is SVAM’s hope that through the positive example that the winner and honorees of this award display, other women will be encouraged and see the opportunities they have to succeed in a manufacturing career.
It is with great pleasure we announce the winners of this year’s Outstanding Women in Manufacturing Award:
Management Category: Shelly Wiseman, Materials Manager, Strongwell
Hourly/Production Category: Nancy Hicks, Production Coordinator, Shearer’s Foods
Administrative Support Category: Bobbi Marin, Document and Data Control, Somic America, Inc.