Hiring Our Heroes Press Release
The Southwest Virginia Alliance for Manufacturing Hosts an Event to Serve Manufacturers and Veterans at the Same Time
In April, The Southwest Virginia Alliance for Manufacturing, Inc. hosted Hiring Our Heroes. The purpose of the event was to bring employers and veterans together to suit the needs of both sides in one place. The event was open to veterans and service members of all branches both active and discharged.
Eighteen veterans and service members participated in Pre-Qualification classes to help prepare them for the Hiring Event and to allow SVAM to market these individuals as ready to hire. Drug screens were conducted at these events along with interview prep, tips on filling out job applications, resume help, and more. Resumes were pre-screened and support was provided to make sure employers expectations were met.
SVAM greatly appreciates the supporters of this event. The Southwest Virginia Workforce Investment Board sponsored lunch for the pre-qualification class in Cedar Bluff, Virginia. Virginia Manufacturers Association used grant funding to cover the cost for four veterans to take the Manufacturing Technician Level 1 Certification Assessment and determine their certification levels. People Inc. used grant funding to cover the cost of a veteran to achieve her CRC.
On the day of the event, SVAM hosted seven employers – General Dynamics, Utility Trailers in both Glade Spring and Atkins, RJ Custom Transportation, Steel Fab, Universal Fibers, and PBE Group – at the Virginia Highlands Small Business Incubator where interviews were conducted. Veterans were given the opportunity to be interviewed by as many companies as they chose – some had six interviews that day.
Of the eighteen original participants, fifteen have received jobs. Several were offered positions at the Hiring Event. Efforts are being continually made to provide job opportunities for the remaining three veterans.
“I have NEVER had someone go above and beyond for me. Hiring Our Heroes is such a great tool and asset for veterans,” said Eric Snow, veteran participant.