Lisa Delby

Production Systems Manager
Somic America

I’m pleased, honored and humbled to be one of the honorees of this year’s Outstanding Woman Award in Manufacturing.

Since Lisa joined the company in 2010, she has risen to every challenge placed in front of her. Lisa has been promoted to Production Systems Manager recently, which means that she is responsible for the entire Production Control process as well as the entire Manufacturing process. In order to do this, Lisa has shown not only the desire to grow, but also the ability to learn Somic’s systems at a high level. While in the role of PC Manager, Lisa led her team during the implementation of Somic’s new ERP system which totally changed how Somic employees manage their inventory. Lisa has done an outstanding job at leading, developing and mentoring her team from day one. It is said, without her leadership, Somic would not be as successful as they are today.

In her role as Production Control Manager, Lisa has directly developed and mentored a number of employees that have went on to become leaders of our company. Lisa is the type of Manager that has to lead by example. In February of last year, the company had an issue that occurred where the company had to quarantine and verify every product in our plant. Instead of simply directing the employees, Lisa had a tool in her hand and was helping everyone do the job. She stayed that day until the issue was under control and worked with her people for 15 plus hours. This is the type of leader she is. Many examples can be provided of Lisa’s leadership style that shows she will not ask her team to do something she is not willing to do.

“Lisa, to me, is a daily reminder of just how strong a Woman in Manufacturing can be. She has the drive and desire to do anything that she sets her mind to. She will not be defeated. Lisa is often the only woman in the room when we have productivity meetings or problem solving meetings, but she always has the room’s attention and respect. She is knowledgeable about what we do and is passionate about doing it the right way. I feel that Lisa personifies what it means to be an Outstanding Woman in Manufacturing through her “lead by example” management method and through her “I will not be defeated” mentality.” – Jeff Dunnack, Plant Manager, Somic America